Thursday 20 February 2014

Quiet blog, busy fleet...

Blogs been a bit quiet, but luckily the fleet hasn't.

Over the last year the fleet has changed and grown a fair bit.  We now have 10 foilers (3x Mach2's, 3x Ninja's, 2x Prowler's, 1x Bladerider & 1x Hungry Tiger) + a single lowrider.

Some of the fleet are have been putting the hours in over the cold winter months, both on the water and in the workshops(!) prepping boats & techniques to gain that extra 10%

With the UK Nationals at HISC 16-17th July, acting as a warm-up event for the Worlds 19-25th July at HISC these events will be the perfect practice for the moth Inlands at GWSC 27-28th Sept :o)

Pre-event entry for the worlds have already passed the 100 mark, so what are you waiting for? Isn't it time you joined the moth fleet?